

父親在大火中被吞噬, 他平常和爸爸在鐘錶店工作,

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     Environment are important, people always sail that ,but few people could really do for it without seeing the profit.Government have to do something for the environment, but they didn't. All we saw is the fishes and corals were gone and the pollution show.   


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台中的田樂 DSC07046.JPG DSC07047.JPG DSC07048.JPG    田樂

地址: 台中市美村路一段102巷1號 04 23272782 (可預約) 

官網: http://forfarmburger.blogspot.tw/


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陳綺貞說" 每ㄧ分,每ㄧ秒,都是歷史。"

" 把舞台當成紙,把身體當成字,也可以寫成ㄧ首詩" 


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看了巴爾札克特展 !

法國三大巨頭: 伏爾斯泰,莎士比亞和巴爾札克

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[Intel 外商求才大揭密]演講心得:D

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